The configuration file

If you use the default firmware for the MiniBee, you can then define the pin you use to control the motor as an AnalogOut.

    <configuration id="4" message_interval="25" name="vibro" redundancy="3"
      <pin config="AnalogOut" id="D3" name="haptic-motor"/>

To improve the response of the control message you send, you can adapt:

  • the message_interval: if you make it smaller, the firmware will more often check for new messages received.
  • the redundancy: if you increase it, the hive software will send the message more often, thus improving the chance that the message is received.

You assign the configuration to a minibee, with aline like this:

     <minibee caps="7" configuration="4" id="2" libversion="10" name="" revision="F" serial="0013A200407E4F3B">

The important element is the configuration="4" pointing to the configuration with id="4".

More information on the configuration file format