The configuration element

An example of a configuration element:

<configuration id="2" name="environment" message_interval="50" samples_per_message="1" redundancy="3">
    <pin id="A0" config="AnalogIn" name="light" />
    <twi id="1" device="ADXL345" name="accelero"/>

So top level, defined within the <configuration> element:

  • ID – a unique number (i.e. no other configuration in the xml file can have the same number)
  • label – a user friendly name or label for this configuration
  • Message interval in milliseconds – update rate for the data, i.e. how often the MiniBee will send data. Currently the maximum (which is found to work properly) is 100 ms.
  • Samples per message (should be 1 for now) – If this is higher than 1, the MiniBee will make measurements as often as you set the number to, and then send a package with all the data once every each message interval has passed. The time in between is divided up, so if you have a message interval of 100 and 10 sampes per message, the data is measured every 10 ms, but only sent every 100 ms.
  • Redundancy specifies how often a message is sent to the MiniBee, when the MiniBee has outputs defined.

Then for each pin, as subelements before the closing </configuration>:

  • id – this should be one of: A0, A1, A2, A3, (A4, A5,) A6, A7, D2, D3, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11 (see the note on D2 and D7)
  • label - The label is used to create a label for the DataSlot that this pin will be providing in the DataNode corresponding to the MiniBee (when using the DataNetwork mode to communicate)
  • configuration – Pins that are not mentioned are not configured. Possible pin configurations (use these exact names, it is case sensitive):
    • DigitalIn — digital input (any pin except for A4, A5, A6, A7)
    • DigitalInPullup — digital input with pullup resistor enabled (any pin except for A4, A5, A6, A7) since library version 6 (June 2013)
    • DigitalOut — digital output on/off (any pin except for A4, A5, A6, A7)
    • AnalogIn — analog input (for pin A0, A1, A2, A3, A6, A7)
    • AnalogIn10bit — analog input with 10bit result (for pin A0, A1, A2, A3, A6, A7)
    • AnalogOut — PWM or analog out (pins D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11)
    • TWIClock — Use a TWI/I2C sensor, clock signal (pin A5); this is configured automatically, if a TWI device is present in the configuration.
    • TWIData — Use a TWI/I2C sensor, data signal (pin A4); this is configured automatically, if a TWI device is present in the configuration.
  • If TWI (two wire interface or I2C) is used: the devices which are used:

<twi id="1" device="ADXL345" name="accelero" />

Currently supported is only the ADXL345, but in older versions of the firmware other TWI sensors were also supported. Each twi entry needs a unique number and the number will determine in which order the data will be sent out to your software: