Obsoleted options

Pin options from configurations for older versions of the firmware

As of firmware version 10, the Ping and SHT are no longer supported standard in the firmware. They are supported in firmware versions up to 8.

  • Ping — Ultrasonic sensor (any pin except for A4, A5, A6, A7)
  • SHTClock — Clock signal for SHT15 sensor (temperature/humidity) (any pin except for A4, A5, A6, A7)
  • SHTData — Data signal for SHT15 sensor (temperature/humidity) (any pin except for A4, A5, A6, A7)

TWI options

In firmware version up to 8, the following other TWI devices were supported: LIS302DL, TMP102, BMP085 and HMC58X3.

An example with multiple TWI devices:

<configuration id="2" name="environment" message_interval="50" samples_per_message="1" redundancy="3">
    <twi id="1" device="ADXL345" name="accelero"/>
    <twi id="2" device="TMP102" name="tmp" />
    <twi id="3" device="BMP085" name="bmp"/>