Receiving OSC data

The main OSC messages that will be received from pydon are: /minibee/info, /minibee/status, /minibee/rssi and most important /minibee/data. So we set up some OSC functions to print out these messages. In this example we use OSCdef, but you can also use OSCFunc.

// setup osc receivers (you can also use OSCFunc)
OSCdef( \minibeedata, { |data,time,source| data.postln; }, '/minibee/data' );
OSCdef( \minibeerssi, { |data,time,source| data.postln; }, '/minibee/rssi' );
OSCdef( \minibeeinfo, { |data,time,src| data.postln; }, '/minibee/info' );
OSCdef( \minibeestatus, { |data,time,src| data.postln; }, '/minibee/status' );

For a general guide on using OSC in SuperCollider see:

"OSC Communication".openHelpFile;

For an overview of all OSC messages that Pydon sends and understands, see the OSC message reference