Changing Minibee Configurations

If a MiniBee is not defined in the configuration file, you can send an OSC message to configure it with a configuration that is defined in the file with the message /minibee/configuration.

Aftwards you can send a message to save the configuration file (/minihive/configuration/save). You can also load a new configuration file (/minihive/configuration/load).

    /minibee/configuration - ii(s)

From user software to MiniBee

  • i - the ID of the MiniBee
  • i - the ID of the configuration; this configuration has to be defined in the configuration file
  • s - (optional) the serial number of the MiniBee

The hive sends a message back to confirm or to indicate an error. The arguments are the same as the message above.

    /minibee/configuration/done  - ii(s)
    /minibee/configuration/error - ii(s)

You can load and save a configuration file via OSC:

    /minihive/configuration/save  - s

From user software to communication software

  • s - the filename to save to
    /minihive/configuration/load  - s

From user software to communication software

  • s - the filename to load from