Uploading firmware to a MiniBee
This page describes how to upload firmware to the MiniBee
sensestage-v1 | > | firmware | > | arduino-ide | tags: expert todo |
Loading new firmware to the board
Using the coordinator as a programmer
uploading firmware (different revisions of boards!; will also have different revision of Arduino IDE)
This page is still under construction!! below is just a quick copy-and-paste from the old site
rev B, D & F
When you buy the Sense/Stage MiniBee revision D, it comes with the default firmware preloaded. In case you want to change the firmware, or update it to the latest version, read this document.
The SenseStage MiniBee can be programmed from the Arduino software. After you have prepared the Arduino IDE for use with the Sense/Stage MiniBees, you have to select the following board (in the Tools->Boards -menu):
- rev D: Sense Stage MiniBee revB/D (3.3V, 12MHz), w/ ATmega328p
- rev B: Sense Stage MiniBee revB/D (3.3V, 12MHz), w/ ATmega328p
- rev A: Sense Stage MiniBee revA (3.3V, 8MHz), w/ ATmega168, Arduino Pro or Pro Mini, or LilyPad (8MHz, 3.3V, ATmega 168).
The Sense/Stage MiniBee Firmware examples will show up in the File -> Examples -> MiniBee, and the MiniBee Firmware library will show up in Sketch -> Import Library… -> MiniBee.
To prepare the hardware for uploading the firmware, follow these steps (this description applies to MiniBee revision D; revision B has the RX/TX pins only broken out in the middle of the board):
- Create a four wire cable to go between your coordinator node and the MiniBee
- Add a four pin female header to your coordinator node
- Remove the XBee from the coordinator node
- Remove the XBee from the MiniBee
- Attach the cable between the coordinator node and the MiniBee
- Use the Arduino IDE to upload the firmware (see here for a description of how to prepare the IDE)
- Note that you should not wait too long between plugging in the cable and uploading the firmware, since otherwise the MiniBee will not be in bootloader mode anymore.
Create a four wire cable
You need a four wire cable that on one side has a four pin, 1 row header, and on the other end a four pin, 2 row header (so 2×2 pins).
The pin order for the one row header is (to be connected to the coordinator node):
DIN – DOUT – 3.3V – GND
The pin order for the MiniBee is:
3v3 – TX
DIN will connect to RX, DOUT to TX. It is recommended to use a clear color coding for the wires. E.g. in the photographs below: red = 3v3, black = GND, yellow = DIN/RX, pink = DOUT/TX.
Add a four pin female header to your coordinator node
Add a four pin female header (socket, right angle) on the bottom of the coordinator node, to the pins that are labeled DIN, DOUT, GND, 3v3.
Alternately, you can use anArduino Mini USB adapter or an Arduino board with a USB connector to upload the firmware, as shown in the pictures below, for MiniBee revision A.
rev A
When you buy the Sense/Stage MiniBee revision D, it comes with the default firmware preloaded. In case you want to change the firmware, or update it to the latest version, read this document.
The SenseStage MiniBee can be programmed from the Arduino software. After you have prepared the Arduino IDE for use with the Sense/Stage MiniBees, you have to select the following board (in the Tools->Boards -menu):
- rev D: Sense Stage MiniBee (3.3V, 12MHz), w/ ATmega328p
- rev B: Sense Stage MiniBee (3.3V, 12MHz), w/ ATmega328p
- rev A: Sense Stage MiniBee (3.3V, 8MHz), w/ ATmega168, Arduino Pro or Pro Mini, or LilyPad (8MHz, 3.3V, ATmega 168).
The Sense/Stage MiniBee Firmware examples will show up in the File -> Examples -> MiniBee, and the MiniBee Firmware library will show up in Sketch -> Import Library… -> MiniBee.
You will need either an Arduino Mini USB adapter or an Arduino board with a USB connector to upload the firmware, or you can use the coordinator node, as described on this page.
sensestage-v1 | > | firmware | > | arduino-ide | tags: expert todo |
page created on: | last changed on: |
6 February 2017 | 28 March 2018 |