Receiving custom data

You can also send wireless data to the MiniBee and perform a custom action with it. For this, you need to again define some custom pins (assuming you use some custom output for this), and define a callback function which is called whenever a custom message is sent to the MiniBee. For this you define a separate function (so not inside the setup() or loop() functions!):

void customMsgParser( char * msg ){

// this will be our parser for the custom messages we will send:
// msg[0] and msg[1] will be node ID and message ID
// the remainder are the actual contents of the message
// if you want to send several kinds of messages, you can e.g.
// switch based on msg[2] for message type
     if ( msg[2] > 0 ){ // change speed yes/no
       stepper.setSpeed( msg[3] ); // third argument of message is the speed
     if ( msg[4] == 0 ) // third argument is the direction
       stepper.step( -1 * msg[5] ); // fifth argument is the amount of steps to do
       stepper.step( msg[5] ); // fifth argument is the amount of steps to do

In the setup() function you then add:

  // set the custom message function
  Bee.setCustomCall( &customMsgParser );

See the “MiniBee/customReceiving”-example for a full example.

The message you need to send to the MiniBees is formatted as follows:

  • ‘E’ – single character, indicating the custom message type
  • node ID – this is the identifier of the MiniBee we are targeting
  • message ID – this is an unique number for each message, in order to prevent the firmware from reacting twice to the same message
  • data – any number of bytes of data. These will be passed onto the callback function in the msg-bytes from index 2 and higher.

You can send an OSC message /minibee/custom from your software and to send the data to the MiniBee.


  • expand on this a bit

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28 March 2018 28 March 2018