In some cases you may not want to have a flexible configuration, but instead fix the configuration in the firmware, for example if you are using the boards to communicate between each other, rather than with a central host, or if you have a busy network and don’t want the startup communication for the configuration to happen.

For this purpose the methods setRemoteConfig and readConfigMsg are there:

  • setRemoteConfig sets the level of remote configuration:
    • 0 no remote config and no remote configuration of the id of the XBee: in this case you need to configure the MY address of the XBee manually.
    • 1 no remote config, but id of the XBee is remotely set.
    • 2 remote configuration for both id and configuration of pins.
  • readConfigMsg reads an array in as a configuration for the MiniBee, see the example below:

Outside of any functions:

/// we use a fixed configuration for the MiniBee, rather than use a remote wireless configuration
/// Here we define:
/// pins D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11 as analog outputs
/// pin D7 as digital input
/// pin D8 as digital output
/// pins A0, A1, A2 as analog inputs
/// and we use the onboard ADXL accelerometer via the TwoWire interface
uint8_t myConfig[] = { 0, 1, 0, 50, 1, // null, config id, msgInt high byte, msgInt low byte, samples per message
  AnalogOut, NotUsed, AnalogOut, AnalogOut, DigitalIn, DigitalOut, // D3 to D8 (D4 is reserved for status LED)
  AnalogOut, AnalogOut, AnalogOut, NotUsed, NotUsed,  // D9,D10,D11,D12,D13 (D12, D13 are also reserved)
  AnalogIn10bit, AnalogIn10bit, AnalogIn10bit, NotUsed, TWIData, TWIClock, NotUsed, NotUsed, // A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7
  1, TWI_ADXL345 // 1 I2C/TWI device: the ADXL

Inside the setup() function:

  // just listening
  Bee.setRemoteConfig( 0 );
   /// arguments are the baudrate, and the board revision
  Bee.setup(57600, 'D' );
  Bee.readConfigMsg( myConfig, 26 ); // second argument is the size in bytes of the myConfig array

For a full example, see the BeeToBee example

page created on: last changed on:
28 March 2018 28 March 2018