To program the Sense/Stage MiniBee you have to use the Arduino IDE and prepare it to use the firmware libraries and the hardware definitions that we have created for Sense/Stage.

Download files


MiniBee files

  • Unpack the ssdn_minibee package

  • Check what your Arduino sketchbook folder is:
    • Go to [FILE] menu and choose Preferences, the keyboard shortcut is [CTRL]+[,]
    • At the top it tells you the folder for the Sketchbook location, e.g. ~/Arduino
    • Go with your file browser to this folder
    • If there is no hardware folder there, just copy the folder ssdn_minibee/hardware to the sketchbook folder
    • If there is a hardware folder there, copy the folder ssdn_minibee/minibee to it
    • If there is no libraries folder there, just copy the folder ssdn_minibee/libraries to the sketchbook folder
    • If there is a libraries folder there, copy the folders in ssdn_minibee/libraries to it
  • You should now have the following folders in your sketchbook folder:


NOTE: the minibee files are for version 1.6.5 and up of the Arduino IDE. If you use an older version of the Arduino IDE, you have to use a different branch of ssdn_minibee

The MiniBee Firmware examples will show up in the:

  • API-mode (recommended) File -> Examples -> MiniBeeAPIn, and the MiniBee Firmware library will show up in Sketch -> Import Library… -> MiniBeeAPIn
  • AT-mode: (no longer maintained) File -> Examples -> MiniBee, and the MiniBee Firmware library will show up in Sketch -> Import Library… -> MiniBee

Firmware examples

  • Now start the Arduino IDE
  • In the [FILE] menu, under Examples, under (Examples from Custom Libraries) you have a set of examples for the MiniBee_APIn library.
  • The example minibee_F is the default version for MiniBee revision F
  • The example minibee is the default version for MiniBee revision D
  • customReceiving shows how to receive custom data
  • customSending shows how to send custom data
  • sendingPrivateData shows how to send additional (private) messages
  • sendingTriggerData shows how to send trigger data messages
  • BeeToBee shows how to send data from one MiniBee to another
  • DS18x20_temperature shows how to read out the DS18x10 temperature sensor
  • ITG3200 shows how to read out the ITG3200 sensor
  • LSM9DS1 shows how to read out the LSM9DS1 sensor
  • ledfades shows how to set up a system with smoothly fading LEDs
  • minibeeServo shows how to control a servo motor
  • minibeeNSS shows how to use the NewSoftSerial library

Choosing the board

page created on: last changed on:
6 February 2017 6 February 2018