The files used in this guide, where to get them

To include in the guide

  • screenshots
  • walk-through of what happens

Starting pydongui from SuperCollider

You can start from SuperCollider with:

// or without opening a terminal window

You may also want to start it from your project’s directory, so you remember which settings you had for that project (the file needs to be saved for resolveRelative to work).

~mypath = "".resolveRelative;
("cd"+~mypath ++ ";").runInTerminal;

Then, to ensure that you set the port correctly in pydongui, you can use:

// check SC's osc port to ensure where to send the data to:

For the remainder of this tutorial, set the path to the example configuration XML file as configuration file. After setting the settings, press the [START] button in

Receiving data

The main OSC messages that will be received are: /minibee/info, /minibee/status and /minibee/data. So we set up some OSC functions to print out these messages. In this example we use OSCdef, but you can also use OSCFunc.

// setup osc receivers (you can also use OSCFunc)
OSCdef( \minibeedata, { |data,time,source| data.postln; }, '/minibee/data' );
OSCdef( \minibeeinfo, { |data,time,src| data.postln; }, '/minibee/info' );
OSCdef( \minibeestatus, { |data,time,src| data.postln; }, '/minibee/status' );

For a general guide on using OSC in SuperCollider see:

"OSC Communication".openHelpFile;

Assign a configuration via OSC

Now we turn a MiniBee on and after a while we see in the post window of SuperCollider:

[ /minibee/info, 0013A20040D75A5B, 1, 0, 0 ]

This means that a minibee with serial number 0013A20040D75A5B has connected, and that its ID is 1. And that there are 0 inputs and 0 outputs defined. This message will keep being sent, as long as the minibee is not configured. In the post window of pydongui, there will be a message that a file has been created and can be edited. Instead of doing that, you can however send a message to pydongui via OSC like this:

We create a NetAddr to send a message to:

n = "" , 57600 ); 
// 57600 is the default port number that pydongui is listening on
// this is the second argument to NetAddr.

And then we send a message to assign a configuration to MiniBee number 1:

n.sendMsg( "/minibee/configuration", 1, 1 ); // minibee id, config id

We use configuration number 1, which enables the accelerometer on board of the MiniBee.

After a while, you will see these messages in the SuperCollider post window:

[ /minibee/status, 1, waiting ] // waiting for configuration
[ /minibee/info, 0013A20040D75A5B, 1, 3, 0 ] // three inputs!
[ /minibee/status, 1, configured ] // configured
[ /minibee/status, 1, receiving ] // receiving data
// and a data message!
[ /minibee/data, 1, 0.49114882946014, 0.50030523538589, 0.52911734580994 ]

The data message will repeat often!

We can now save this configuration for later use:

n.sendMsg( "/minihive/configuration/save", "myfirstconfig.xml");

The file will be saved to the directory we started from. So for example:

( ~mypath +/+ "*.xml" ).pathMatch;

will show the automatically created config, and our myfirstconfig.xml

The next time we start up pydongui we can choose this configuration file, and the MiniBee will be automatically configured.

Receiving data

Now that we are receiving data, we can do something useful with the data by adapting

OSCdef( \minibeedata, { |data,time,source| data.postln; }, '/minibee/data' );

Routing per MiniBee

The first thing is to separate the data per MiniBee, especially when you use more than one! For this you can use the argument template of OSCFunc or OSCdef. So to make two different functions for MiniBee id 1 and id 2:

OSCdef( \minibee1, 
    { |data,time,source| "bee 1: ".post; data.postln; }, 
    argTemplate: [1] 
OSCdef( \minibee2, 
    { |data,time,source| "bee 2: ".post; data.postln; }, 
    argTemplate: [2]

Viewing the data

The responders above will print out the data to the post window.

To look at the data in a graph, we can use the class SWPlotterMonitor, this class is part of the SenseWorld quark.

Firs we set up the OSC function to put the data in a variable we can use elsewhere in the code:

OSCdef( \minibee1, 
    { |data,time,source| ~minibee1data = data.copyToEnd(2); }, 
    argTemplate: [1] );

As the first two items of the data are: [ /minibee/data, 1, ], we just want the data after the second index assigned to our variable.

Then we create the monitor:

m = { ~minibee1data}, 200, 3, 0.005, 10 );

The arguments are:

  • function that returns data
  • number of points to plot
  • number of channels (in our case 3)
  • delta time for evaluating the function (this is roughly how often data arrives)
  • update the plot every N points (slow down the graphics a bit to save CPU)

And then we can start the display:

m.start; // start the plot

With the key s the view will change between superposing the three lines and making a graph for each.

add screenshots

To stop watching the data we can do:

m.stop; // stop the plot

Example of using the data to control a synth

  • use the values in an example

Sending data

  • send PWM data to an LED w/ /minibee/output
  • example of sending data (control the output rate!)

page created on: last changed on:
6 February 2017 6 February 2018